Drug-free Anxiety Relief

As you’ve likely discovered, anti-anxiety medications come with a host of potential dangers, and they don’t always work. One of the major classes of anti-anxiety medication can have a rapid impact on anxiety symptoms, however they are highly addictive, and long term use can cause memory loss, hostility, sleep disturbances, as well as potentially life-threatening heart problems. 

While another class of commonly prescribed meds are relatively safer and may provide symptomatic relief, they too can lead to issues of dependency, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and many other consequences. While they may give relief from anxiety, their primary value is in their ability to make the central nervous system more malleable to change, what we call neuroplasticity.

However, the process by which the nervous system becomes rewired, the only method for lasting relief, is never accomplished by drugs alone.Research shows that the most reliable, long-term solution for anxiety, not to mention by far the safest, is the use of solution-based psychological tools which rewire the brain to respond differently to its environment and to the thoughts which often provoke anxiety.

Using the drug-free techniques in which Dr. Taubman is an expert, both of the primary causes of anxiety are addressed and dealt with in a safe, reliable, and highly effective way. These techniques are also designed to work quickly, creating lasting change in a matter of weeks.

To learn more about the tools we use for your healing, visit the home page.

Or, if you’d prefer, schedule a free discovery call with Dr. Taubman using the calendar below: